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The Art of Listening: Let your body lead your mind

By July 27, 2022No Comments

Chiropractic session by Dr. Michael Craig for mental awareness

Though we might be aware of the dangerous cycle of stress and unhealthy lifestyles, we are equally aware of how difficult it can be to break out of it.

Though powerful and controlling, the human brain can still be overwhelmed by the complexities around us. It tends to operate based on what is known. What is unknown can be perceived as a threat, and that’s when our defence mechanism kicks in, making us more uncomfortable.

We might miss realising fully that the brain is very flexible and teachable. It has the power to learn and unlearn. The main obstacle that we do not realise is functioning out of a place of fear instead of curiosity. Our mind just needs to get acquainted with the unknown, but for this to properly happen, we must understand our biases and fears.  When discussed, such experiences may help bring awareness to our inner workings and help us feel less afraid of the unknown.

We had such a moment of awareness when Dr. Michael Craig, a Chiropractic and CFR Specialist visited us for a session.

His visit was a part of our Mental Health Awareness Campaign. He strongly advocated that addressing mental health issues is more important than treating physical ailments, although there is plentiful overlap. 

Dr. Craig came into our HQ office with his wise demeanour and a joke at the ready along with the expertise which became apparent as the session progressed. The room felt at ease almost as soon as he began speaking.

He has a very simple approach to taking care of the body: the body tells you what is good for it and what is not.

All you have to do is listen.

One of the ways he demonstrated this to us was through muscle testing. 

Some members of our team volunteered to participate in the demonstration. One by one, they stretched their arms out, and Dr. Craig asked them to lock their shoulder joint as he pushed down on the arm. Most of us could resist and prevent our arms from being lowered, which showed that we had strong muscles. The same thing was repeated; however, the volunteers were holding a small jar of hard candy this time. This time, ALL the volunteers failed to resist, and their arms fell down at being pushed, even though the same amount of pressure was used. This proved a very simple fact that refined sugar is unhealthy for all of us. Now, at some level, we already know this. But the muscle testing and witnessing the incapability of our body to be strong in such an experiential way brought a different kind of awareness. We could see it. This was one of the many demonstrations he gave. 

Dr. Craig also used a great analogy for stress. He said that when we are stressed, our energy levels become low, and we will struggle to be productive, and this becomes a pattern, like bugs devouring a dried tree.
We must decide how soon we want to break out of this pattern, and the means will follow.

He progressed with aligning some of our team members who were having arm and neck pains from working on the computer for too long or as a result of bad posture. There was a smile and an instant release of pent-up energy from each member who experienced the chiropractic alignment. 

While it is difficult to develop healthy habits in this current fast-paced lifestyle that we find ourselves in, it is essential to remind ourselves that we can choose to make changes. But making this choice by first listening to the body will help lead the mind in the right direction. It balances our physical and mental states of being with equal importance. Being open and learning about alternative medicine like chiropractic treatment might at the minimum bring a perspective with fresh eyes. Being mindful of the interconnectedness of our body and mind requires practice, and we are grateful for this session by Dr. Craig that has brought us a solution that was unknown to a majority of us. 

Here are some testimonials from the session attendees:

Our digital marketing manager – Jessica, shared her session experience by saying “Dr. Craig reminded me that our physical state is directly related to our mental state. The thoughts we allow in our mind during the first hour of our day, decide how we physically and mentally feel for the rest of the day. Test it out!”
Our textile designer, Navneeta was also experiencing pain in her arm. Through muscle testing, Dr. Craig diagnosed that she had an issue. She felt better and said, “My arm pain has not come back. I’m really glad to know that this treatment works, and plan to visit Dr. Craig’s clinic for a more in-depth session.”